4 Ways to Beat Seasonal Allergies

Allergy season is here - can you believe it? Check out some of my favorite tips to help you get through the season with ease!

1. Reduce Intake of Inflammatory Foods

The allergy response this time of year can be rooted in an inflammatory response in the body. If we are consuming foods that are inflammatory in nature - we are essentially dumping gasoline on the fire. Try removing 1 (or all) of the following foods and see how your symptoms feel!

  • Processed sugar

  • Wheat (gluten)

  • Dairy (this is HUGE for congestion!)

  • Corn

  • Soy

2. Consume Local Raw Honey

This is one of my most favorite (and yummiest!) tips. The honey needs to come from as local a source as possible - as local honey helps your body acclimate to the pollens in your area. Consume 1 TBS of honey per day - it actually lowers the histamine response in your body! Check out this article which showed a 60% reduction in allergy symptoms for those consuming local honey daily.

3. Neti Pot Daily

The neti pot is a very natural way to rid the nasal passages and sinuses of allergens and congestion. This method has been utilized all over the world for centuries, and for good reason! Stop by your local pharmacy and you can find a neti pot for purchase. When you use the neti pot, make sure the water is pure and distilled (not tap!) and that you have the appropriate fine salt to create a neti saline for optimal nasal cleansing. Freaked out about doing this, even purchasing a ready-made saline nasal wash from the pharmacy can work too!

4. Supplements for Allergy Relief

Supplementing with high quality products can make a huge impact for allergy sufferers. Some of my favorites include: colloidal silver nasal sprays, herbal tinctures, and liver support. Click here to shop my online dispensary where you can find my recommended products for allergy relief. After you create your free account, just select ‘Allergy Relief’ under my favorites! You’ll automatically receive a 15% discount for being part of my community.

I hope this blog helps you and your family tackle allergy season symptom free!

Here’s to spring,



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